Phew. Glad that one is over and handed in. The assignment was to write up a results section, in APA format, for various influences on quiz scores.
We were given the data in excel and had to manipulate it in order to determine if any of the following things had a significant influence on quiz scores: personality (introvert or extrovert), sex (male or female), teaching status (teaching or non-teaching), age and millennial score.
At first I struggled with setting up the second set of data,
that was needed to complete the second table, but it was
because I was comparing apples to oranges. Once I got
that straightened out, the rest of the data manipulation
and testing went fine.
Once the t-tests were complete and the p values were found for each section a paper could be formed. We were to write a "results" section of a paper containing the data that we manipulated earlier to demonstrate our abilities in spreadsheets, word processing, and APA formatting.
The most trying part of this assigment was formatting. Two
different websites were given to explain APA formatting.
One for APA formatting and one for journal formatting.
Having both websites as explanations was confusing as they
had conflicting advice. I posted a discussion question on
Blackboard: "Do we single space (journal website) or double
space (general apa guidelines) and do we change paper size
and such like journals?Also, page numbers top right (general
apa format) or bottom center (journal format)? Pierce
emailed us: double and topright, which are both basic
APA format and not journal format. Once I got that part
figured out I completed my paper and submitted.
The outcomes of this assigment were to understand APA formatting for numbers, tables, style, text, t-test findings, and references. Also, to be able to develop, test, and interpret results of a hypothesis using bivvariate analysis in spreadsheet form and to develop a narrative paper in APA style to write up the results. I believe that I accomplished all of these otucomes and have a better understanding of all of those things (that is before my paper has been graded). If I had to compelte this assigment again, after learning what I learned about formatting and statistical tests I believe that I could cut the amount of hours that I put into this paper at least in half if not more.
*** I did ok on the paper, not quite qhat I expected, but not bad. There were a couple of things that I needed to work on a little harder. I didnt have APA quite right for discussing the tables but upon reviewing more research papers I am learning a lot more. I do feel comfortable with organizing and manipulating data in excel and I am pretty confident in my formatting of tables APA in a sense that if I had to do this all over again I would do it much better and probably much quicker.
ISTE NETS T - Standard 3a,b,d: Model Digital - Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. Teachers: a)demonstrate fluency in technology systems and transfre of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. Ive never used t tests before this class. I have seen p values but didnt understand what they came from, so I could apply my knowledge from statistics classes to this assignment and I will be able to apply this assigment to future assigments. b)collaborate with peers using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation. Me and a couple of the other students in this class collaborated over email, im, and in person. d) Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning. I had to use excel to complete these t-tests and analyze the data given.
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