For this assignment we were asked to upload or create a resume. As I am unfamiliar with Google Docs, I decided to recreate a resume, rather than use one I already have. It probably could have used some updating anyway. How cool is it that there are applications like this that allow publishing things to the web that are just like desktop applications that you pay loads of money for?!
Here is my resume that I created! -
One thing that I really like is that Google Doc auto-saves, which is a good thing because my laptop isn’t the most reliable computer. It has battery issues and tends to shut off unexpectedly. Another thing that was nice about Google docs is that once you create it you can go in and edit it whenever you have time. This would be good for short term or long term. I began my resume before lunch, it auto saved, and I continued when I got back and had time for it. If I ever needed to update it a few months, or even years down the road, it will be just as easy to go in and edit. Another benefit of Google docs is that it has lots of storage and that you can open any of the documents you have created anywhere that there is internet access. This also means you can edit documents both on computers and on mobile devices, such as Ipads! This is very exciting news to me because I have an Ipad2 on order for my birthday February 3rd and was wondering how I might be able to create documents on it, I thought that I was going to have to buy Microsoft Office for it separately.
Those are just the skills and interesting things that I learned by making my resume. I plan on continuing using Google Docs a lot in the future. Because I was intrigued, I “googled”: “What can I do with Google Docs?” and here is a neat website that I found - . If you are unfamiliar with Google Docs you should check it out!
Just to try it out I decided to try to upload a resume I had saved in Microsoft Word. Here is what happened when it went into Google Doc, it changed my formatting. Editing was an option. I also tried uploading it without changing the format to be compatible with Google Docs, this is what happened that time. * However, in order to edit this one, which looks just like the original resume in Microsoft Word, Google Docs had to reformat it to be compatible, which made it look like the first one. In my opinion, it seems easier and much more conveinent to create the document directly in Google Docs rather than do all of the converting. *Found out that you can not share a document on GoogleDocs unless you "edit" it and save it. - the text highlighted blue above was hyper linked to what the resume looked like, but I couldn-t properly share it without editing and once I edited to save - it looked just like the first one.
ISTE Nets T - standard 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning- communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.
I am unable to view your doc in the "this is what happened that time." Make it public and fix the url please. thanks.