A look into my life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Word Clouds

I used  Wordle to create my word clouds on the NETS-T standards evolution.
 How have NETS-T standards evolved from 2000 to 2008? Well, here are the word clouds:
By visually examining the word clouds I made, I can summarize my take on the direction that the NETS-T have taken in their most recent refresh without even reading a word of either set of standards text.  It appears that in 2000 a lot of focus was put on technology where as in the 2008 cloud I see words that expand on technology, such as digital.  As technology is advancing the standards must also advance, so instead of being vague and simply saying technology, the standards must expand.  In 2008 the focus seems to be on learning, and some of the other main words are tools, resources, model, and professional.  Some of these words aren’t even in the 2000 cloud. 

ISTE NETS T - Standard 1a, 1c, 2c 3c, 3d, 5a, 5c, and 5d. Promoted and modeled creative and innovative thinking, learned about a technology that promotes student reflection, learned how to customize and personalize learning activities, communicated relevant information in a digital format, modeled information using digital-age media and formats, participated in a learning community, evaluated and reflected on current professional practice to make effective use of existing digital tools, as well as engage in professional growth.

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