With "Jing" video you can create a digital movie without a digital camera. By clicking on the first prong of the sun you can determine what part of your screen you would like to capture and you can choose the video option instead of the picture option. (The other two prongs on the sun are for your "Jing" history and “More”-which is where you can find out more about "Jing" and your settings. Once you have captured the video that you were trying to capture you can either save it to your computer or you can share it to screencast.com and it will become a URL. It can also be found later in your "Jing" history where you can save or share it again later. The address to your screen capture, if saved, on your computer where be where ever you saved it and whatever you titled it with a “.swf” (shockwave flash object) as its file type.
ISTE NETS T - Standard 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. By using the "Jing" video feature to teach students, colleges, and/or parents how to complete a task, we are using knowledge of a subject matter to enhance and use technology. We are offering support by implementing and step-by-step process that could be used in a real world setting.
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